Frequently Asked Questions

If you’ve not had soft tissue therapy before, these FAQs will help to explain what’s involved and what to expect.
If you have any questions that are not answered here please get in touch.
What to expect during my first appointment?
Your first appointment will include a consultation involving medical and health history, a posture assessment and if needed – injury specific assessments so together we can locate the cause of your pain and muscle dysfunctions and determine what types of treatment will work for your specific needs.
Will sports massage soft tissue therapy work for me if I don’t play sport?
Yes, of course. Because our muscles and other soft tissues help us carry out everyday activities they can easily be injured doing those activities as well as poor posture. Sports massage and soft tissue therapy will help to relieve your aches and pains and improve your posture to prevent long term pain.
Will it hurt?
When applied correctly, Sports massage and soft tissue therapy should not cause pain. However, to breakdown muscle and other soft tissue dysfunction and restore mobility some techniques may cause some discomfort. If the levels of discomfort are too much I will work with your needs to adjust the pressure and use alternative techniques to treat your issues.
What should I wear?
Some treatments may require items of clothing to be removed to gain best results. Towels are used to cover up your body apart from the area that is being treated. Some techniques may require active and passive movements so clothing that you can move in easily and comfortably is always the best option.
Female clients who require treatment their back are asked to wear a bra with a strap to allow for better access for a more complete treatment. Your comfort is always a priority, any items of clothing that may be asked to be removed is done so at your discretion.
Other techniques other than massage can be applied and have great benefits with clothes on if you do not wish to remove any items of clothing.
If you have any further questions, please get in touch and Nicky will be happy to help.